Arıkanlar Yıldız

The Shining Star of Anteks

Arıkanlar Yıldız stands out as the shining star of Anteks. Our project, located in the Anteks area, consists of a total of 39 shops. The ground floor shops are 360 m² in size with a ceiling height of 11 meters. The first-floor shops, accessible via a vehicle ramp, range in size from 180 m² to 85 m² and feature a ceiling height of 7 meters. The project features a spacious and functional vehicle ramp, providing easy access to the first floor, thereby streamlining logistics operations and customer traffic.

Number of Shops

39 Shops

Shop Dimensions 1. Floor

180 / 85 m² in Size, 7 Meters in Height

Shop Dimensions Ground Floor

360 m² in Size, 11 Meters in Height


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